
I know I know I know! I have been so delinquent in blogging and I apologize from the depths of my soul!

My life has been wrapped up in school, church, bible study, voice lessons, theater practice….squeeze in a quick shower, a bowl of cereal, and a few hours sleep and you have just experienced my life for the past few weeks.

I had the privilege to teach my Sunday school class for two weeks with a short character study about Joseph (the coat of many colors one not Mary’s husband, Jesus’ earth-daddy one). Well, if you know me at all, you know I generally take a unique and different approach to anything that I do. Staying true to who I be, I taught Joseph like this……………

Cinderella vs. Cinderfella

Once upon a time, in the far away land of Canan lived this boy named Joseph. He’s living happily with his father and mother until one day, his mother dies. Once upon a time in a far away kingdom lived Cinderella. She was living happily with her father and mother until one day, her mother dies.  Joseph has some pretty evil brothers.  Cinderella has some evil step-sisters.  Joseph was sold as a slave by his bothers. Cinderella was made a slave by her evil step-mother. Joseph had this really cool coat of many colors just like Cinderella had this amazing gown to wear to the ball. Joseph’s brothers tore his coat to pieces and Cinderella’s step-sisters tore her dress all up. Cinderella is forbidden to go to the ball and is locked in the basement but she gets some help from a few friends and a fairy godmother. Joseph is forbidden to return home to his father and is thrown into a pit and then sent off to Egypt but he gets some help from  this dude named Potiphor and God the Father! Cinderella makes it to the ball, loses her shoe, finds her shoe, marry’s a prince, gets a crown and becomes the Princess of the kingdom. Joseph climbs to the top of Potiphor’s house, gets thrown in jail, gets out of jail, finds favor with Pharaoh, gets the signet ring and becomes Prince of Egypt!

Joseph was CINDERFELLA….. You know that song you would sing when you were little and jumping rope with a friend….

Cinderella dressed in yella, went upstairs to kiss a fella, by mistake she kissed a snake, how many doctors will it take…..

Well, if you get the urge to grab your jump rope and sing a little tune, sing this….

Cinderfella, I bet his coat had some yella, landed in Egypt cause his brother’s they did sella, they made a mistake because of hate, how many bows will they make……

http://sashacarrollonline.comWe really can learn a few things from Joseph’s Cinderfella story.
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1. We can learn that we control how we react to situations

Joseph chose to keep a positive attitude no matter what his circumstances were. You never read about him complaining or having a pity party. He always pulled himself up by his bootstraps, put a smile on his face and did what he had to do. He was a dreamer. He had some pretty cool dreams of being the one his family bowed down before. Well his dream turned into a nightmare and took a sharp left turn before any of it came to fruition.

We have this dream growing up that we’re going to marry prince charming, have a few babies, live in a cute house with a white picket fence and live happily ever after. Well hello dixie…’s that played out for ya?? All the sudden you wake up one day, look around and your prince is still a frog, your babies are dressed like they have a leading role in “Annie”, they have yesterday’s lunch hanging out of their hair and they are oh so hygienically licking the snot off of their top lip. Your cute house is decorated with barbies, legos, crushed cookies and juice covered furniture.  You have bags under your eyes, your hips and thighs have decided to reach as far as the east is from the west, and that butterfly tattoo you once thought was cute has now turned into a pterodactyl because gravity has taken over your body. That dream you had just hasn’t quite played out like you imagined. How’s your attitude about this? Do you want to quit and run away because it’s not what you signed up for; or do you put your big girl panties on (because you know, that’s what we have to wear now) and refuse to quit?

2. We learn how to respond to temptation

The bible tells us that “Joseph was handsome in form and appearance.” Apparently, Joseph was looking gooooood and he caught the wandering eyes of Mrs. Potiphor. She could not help herself from drooling over how the Lord had blessed him with such unique characteristics! And because of this, Joseph finds himself in the middle of the season finale of Egypt’s newest reality show, The Bold and the Desperate. Mrs. Potiphor had no shame in her game and she just comes right out and says, “Come to bed with me Joseph.” ( I can’t help but think there was probably some Marvin Gaye playing in the background….Let’s get it on.) But, Joseph wanted no part of this. He was strong enough in his faith and his walk with God that he ran from this temptation. He could have easily given in because remember, life had not been real fair to him. How often do we walk outside of the will of God because temptation has boldly knocked on our door? We’re disappointed with life, we feel let down and then there comes that alluring temptation hollering in our ear….Go ahead, you deserve it, one time won’t matter, nobody will ever know. The devil always attacks us where he last succeeded. We must stay suited up with the armor of God and prayed up with the word of God so that temptation has no place in our life!

There’s a whole lot more to Joseph’s Cinderfella tale and maybe one day I’ll blog it like Paul Harvey and bring you…..the rest of the story. But for now this is where we’ll end.

Life is hard. We dream fairy tale dreams and end up with harsh reality. We lose our shoe or find ourselves in a foreign land. But, worry not friend….journey on….walk the road God has placed you on with unwavering faith. He is walking with you. He will never leave you. And when the road gets so rough and jagged that you feel you can’t walk another step, He will pick you up and carry you until your strength is renewed to stand again. But just wait, the best part is that our crown awaits us in our heavenly home and our inheritance is eternal life with Jesus the King.


Sasha <><

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